A Case of Autism — Pdd-Nos
This is a case of a 4 year old girl with severe developmental delays. She had limited eye contact,
a brief attention, and a blank stare throughout the evaluation. She was non-verbal. She would
communicate her needs and wants by vocalizing in open vowel sounds when reaching for desired
objects. She would shriek. She did not respond to her name being called. She would mouth almost
every toy or object offered to her. She picked on her lip till it bled. She liked to be naked. She also made
several attempts to escape in the meeting. Her toes were contracted while walking.
The 4 year old girl was born full term via a vaginal delivery. She weighed 7’7oz. There were no
complications with the pregnancy, labor and delivery. As an infant, she was bottle fed. She received 20 vaccines between 2005-2006. The mother noticed she was more withdrawn, aloof, stopped communicating, and lost eye contact after the 20 vaccines. The Mom expressed feeling very fearful during pregnancy.
The remedies chosen for this case were Hyoscyamus 30c, 200c, Medorrhinum 30c,and Thuja 30c.
After the Hyos. 30c was administered she was more cooperative, slept better, eye contact improved
dramatically, more engaging, improvements in speech and less shrieking. After using Med. 30c and
Thuja 30c she was becoming more social, more cooperative and increasing verbal skills. After Hyos.
was introduced again, she became more verbal (60 words) and more affectionate. This case was
Followed for 11 months.
During her healing process she did break out with skin rashes (exteriozation) and showed anger when
She didn’t get her way (vital force fighting back). I would like to mention her mother's commitment
to her daughter's treatment has been instrumental in her healing.
Biography-Deborah Licurse, Classical Homeopath, FsHom
I have been in private practice since 2006. I completed 5 years of study, July 2008 in Advanced 5th/6th
Edition prescribing at the Renaissance Institute of Classical Homeopathy, under the directorship of
Dr. Luc DeSchepper, world renown homeopath. I received my Fellowship Degree, June 2009. I am
particularly interested in treating children with special needs, children's health issues and women's
health issues.
Deborah Licurse, Published in March, 2013 Homeopathy 4 Everyone