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The Flu of 2017-2018


A little history: the flu virus gets its name from an Italian folk word that attributed cold, coughs and fevers to the influence of the stars or

astrological events. The term later evolved into “to influence difreddo,” or “influence of the cold.”


This 2017-2018 flu season has been a doozy so far. Flu viruses are most common during the fall and winter months. Influenza A&B are the big ones both cause seasonal epidemics. People who have the flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:


  • Fever or feeling feverish/chills
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue (tiredness)
  • Some have vomiting and diarrhea (though most common in children)


The batch of vaccines for this year have some notable weaknesses. Last years flu vaccine was only 42% effective is ignored by the media.

The real problem with the flu is the mismanagement of the disease by doctors and by patients. The media uses this time to spread fear and panic which supports big Pharma. The Lung Association states that a vast majority of these deaths associated with the flu are not from this illness at all but from pneumonia.



The wisdom and logic of homeopathic medicines are that instead of suppressing symptoms with fever lowering drugs, a small dose of a

homeopathic remedy that might actually cause a fever of flu-like condition will be used to augment your immune and defense system.


The real reason that the flu epidemic of 1918-1919 killed so many people was not simply because of this viral infection but because a relatively new drug , called aspirin, was used in large amounts. New York City was found to have one of the lowest mortality rates from the flu than any other major city in the US in part because the health commissioner of NYC was Dr. Royal Copeland, a homeopathic physician, who discouraged the use of aspirin and encouraged safer natural methods, including homeopathic remedies.


Homeopathic remedies are prescribed for specific symptoms, not the disease itself.


Here are some of the Upper Respiratory Infection of the 2017-2018 season.


  • Babies and young children with common symptoms of high fever, flushed face, listlessness and irritability


  • Adult patients with sinus infections, leading to ear infections and a sensation of ear stuffiness


  • Adult patients develop severe sore throats, and laryngitis with pain in throat worse from coughing.


  • Seen in the over 60 population. Patients develop a URI which then turns to symptoms of asthma. The asthma is characterized by incessant cough, ending in a wheeze.


What we are seeing is a virus, which explains why antibiotics do not work. This year is going to be challenging as it is with the influenza vaccine efficacy rate estimated at around 10%.


Giving the patient their constitutional remedy, if needed, is always helpful. If this is a true acute, the current genus epidemicus is Lycopodium and Causticum going for second. Early on many people needed Gelsemium which has thirstlessness, aching in eyes, shivers up and down spine. Sulphur is another hot, thirsty for cold, long lasting cough. Pulsatilla symptoms are sinusitis and body aches, warm, though unusually, though thirstlessness, drinking warm. Spongia and Belladonna (spasmodic coughs) and Causticum

intense dry, teasing cough, body aches, stress incontinence). Bryonia (congestive headache, body aches but also some sharp stiching pains anywhere in the body. Lycopodium presents with sore throat, mucous in throat, deep cough, tickle in throat, nausea, vomiting and loose bowels.


When treating an acute, such as a flu, with a homeopathic remedy you strengthen your vital force to increase your vitality!

Copyright 2014 Deborah Licurse

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